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WRC 590


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WRC 590 Constraint Effects on Fracture Toughness in Ductile-Brittle Transition Region for Arbitrary Through-wall Stress Distributions

Bulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 2021

T.L. Anderson, Ph.D., ASME Fellow, P.E.

Full Description

This Bulletin describes research that was jointly funded by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Welding Research Council, Inc. (WRC) in support of the joint Fitness-For-Service Standard, API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. It has been well established for several decades that the effective fracture toughness of structural components that contain crack-like flaws can be significantly higher than toughness measured on standard laboratory coupons. The reason for this effect is a relaxation in crack tip triaxiality (i.e., constraint) that occurs in component with predominately membrane loading, as well as components with shallow cracks.

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